Leaping Toadstool Caps is a gatherable material used for brewing potions.
Mushrooms that leap serendipitously and are used in the Ivisibility Potion.
Gathering Leaping Toadstool Caps
Leaping Toadstool Caps can be collected in the wild. They are commonly found in forested areas.
Related Potions
name | brew time | duration | effect | ingredients |
Invisibility Potion | 1min 0sec | 0min 4sec | invisibility | 1x Knotgrass Sprig, 1x Leaping Toadstool Caps, 1x Troll Bogeys |
Other Materials
Puffskein FurMooncalf FurNiffler FurKneazle FurThestral HairUnicorn HairFwooper FeatherJobberknoll FeatherDiricrawl FeatherHippogriff FeatherPhoenix FeatherToad WartsGraphorn HornMoonstoneHorklump JuiceAshwinder EggsLacewing FliesLeech JuiceStench of DeathTroll BogeysMongrel FurDugbog TongueSpider FangDittany LeavesFluxweed StemKnotgrass SprigMallowsweet LeavesShrivelfig FruitMandrakeVenomous TentaculaChinese Chomping Cabbage